GGD Wins Logo Contest

Posted on: November 2nd, 2013 by Mary

Wanted – talented, artist type person, capable of designing the Newest RIFB Logo. There is a $100 prize to the person who submits the winning entry. The winner will be featured in our newsletter. Help us celebrate our 60th year in business, by creating a one of a kind work of art.

I entered the Rhode Island Farm Bureau logo contest at the suggestion of Eric Watne of Clark’s Christmas Tree Farm in Tiverton, RI. GGD handles Clark’s web site, and Eric mentioned the contest when he saw the ad in the RIFB newsletter. I thought it would be kind of fun, so I put together a couple of logos and submitted them.

One of my logos was selected as the winning entry, which was quite thrilling. After some consideration, the RIFB decided they needed a little fine-tuning of the logo, so I was hired to polish it up a bit.  The result is a very colorful logo featuring the state bird, the Rhode Island Red, a chicken!

Rhode Island Farm Bureau

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